Helpman School of Continuing Studies is a specialized educational institution providing comprehensive training and certification programs in various information and communication technology areas. Our institute aims to bridge the skills gap in the rapidly evolving technology industry by equipping students with the knowledge and practical skills required to thrive in this digital era.

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4th Floor, Jibril Aminu House, National Commission for Colleges of Education (NCCE), Plot 829 Ralph Shodeinde Street, Central Business District,
+234 901 357 7523
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Course Overview


Basic Computer Skills


(3 Reviews)

This course is designed to provide individuals with the fundamental knowledge and practical skills needed to use computers effectively. This course is aimed at beginners who may have limited experience with computers or want to improve their foundational skills.

In summary, this course is an excellent starting point for those who want to become more comfortable and proficient with computers. It equips individuals with essential skills for the digital age and enhances their overall computer literacy, opening up opportunities in various aspects of life and work.

The content of this course typically includes the following key topics:

Introduction to Computers: An overview of what a computer is, its components, and its functions.

Operating Systems: Introduction to popular operating systems like Windows, macOS, or Linux, and how to navigate them.

File Management: How to create, organize, and manage files and folders.

Word Processing: Basic word processing skills using software like Microsoft Word or Google Docs, including typing, formatting, and saving documents.

Spreadsheets: Introduction to spreadsheets using software like Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets, including creating tables, basic formulas, and data entry.

Internet Basics: Navigating the internet, using web browsers, searching for information, and understanding web addresses.

Email: Setting up and using email accounts, composing and sending emails, and managing email messages.

Online Safety: Basic online safety practices, including password management, avoiding scams, and protecting personal information.

Troubleshooting: How to identify and resolve common computer issues and errors.

Enrolling in this course offers several advantages:

Increased Digital Literacy: It helps individuals become more digitally literate, which is essential in today's technology-driven world.

Enhanced Productivity: Learning basic computer skills can significantly improve one's productivity, whether at work, school, or in personal tasks.

Access to Information: It empowers individuals to access information and resources available on the internet.

Improved Communication: The course teaches email communication skills, which are vital for personal and professional communication.

Career Opportunities: Basic computer skills are often required for many job positions, and this course can be a stepping stone for career advancement.

Independence: It fosters independence by enabling individuals to perform tasks like creating documents, managing files, and troubleshooting computer issues on their own.

Lifelong Learning: Basic computer skills are a foundation for further learning in specialized areas of technology and software.

Digital Creativity: It opens doors to creativity, allowing individuals to create documents, graphics, and spreadsheets for personal or professional projects.

Confidence Building: As individuals become more proficient with computers, their confidence in using technology grows.

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